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Jessika Kearns Art



This piece was a pleasure to lose myself in. Inspired by the Pacific Northwest, this grizzly takes center stage, resting on a bed of Sitka spruce, Western red cedar, and Douglas fir boughs. Look to the corner and you'll find a small friend in a deer mouse, hiding under cover of rainbow chanterelles - no doubt halted in the middle of foraging its next meal.

This drawing is inspired by "Inktober" - a yearly challenge to encourage creatives to develop a more consistent art practice, using ink and a minimal amount of color. An emphasis is placed on sharing the artwork as well.
In 2020, my second year participating, I decided I would create a single drawing for each week, inspired by the optional daily prompts provided by

Ink on hand torn paper.

11 x 7.5 in.

Please note that all photos are edited to be as true to color as possible, but color and lighting may vary on different screens.